Children Laughing

We’re all in this together. The mission of the Strive for 95 Coalition is to rebuild our community’s immunity to at least 95%, offering protection from vaccine-preventable contagious diseases to all community members — including healthy children and those with weakened immune systems.

Before vaccines, diseases like measles, polio and whooping cough struck fear in the heart of every parent because they killed and disabled so many children. Today, vaccine refusal is reawakening these preventable, still-deadly diseases. Unvaccinated children endanger newborns, pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems, vaccinated children who did not get a full response to vaccines, and, yes, themselves.

Update- Senate Bill 277 Signed by Gov. Jerry Brown

The Senate Bill 277 was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, June 30, 2015, removing the personal belief exemption for vaccinations, allowing exemptions only for medical reasons. Read Full Article

Get Vaccinated Today

Vaccine Facts and Information

Less people immunized means more risk of infectious disease outbreaks.

  • A 95 percent vaccination rate will protect a community against outbreaks.

Vaccines are a life-changing invention.

  • Vaccines provide immunity against measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, whooping cough and other contagious diseases like meningitis.
  • We can prevent serious disease complications that include blindness, paralysis, infertility and brain injury.

Getting vaccinated is how we protect ourselves and others who are vulnerable.

  • Most deaths from whooping cough are infants too young for the vaccine.
  • To protect fragile infants before they can receive vaccines, we must be immunized ourselves.
  • Chemotherapy patients may be unable to receive vaccines and are at risk if exposed to infectious diseases when their immune systems are weakest.
  • People with weakened immune systems need the help of others for protection.

Our immunization rates are now dangerously low.

  • For some public and private schools in Santa Barbara County, vaccination rates are as low as 50 percent.
  • High rates of whooping cough and chickenpox have impacted our community during the last year.

Vaccines safety is closely monitored

If you are a parent of a young child, chances are you were vaccinated.

There is no link between autism and vaccination.

Most side effects are minor, including tenderness at injection site and low fever.

Delaying vaccines or spacing them out is not beneficial

It increases the time children will be susceptible to serious diseases.

Extra appointments for shots create additional stress for a child.

Being fully vaccinated with all recommended doses is critical to providing immunity.

Getting the vaccines is safer than getting the disease

Two in a thousand people who get measles will die from the disease.

One in a million will have a severe allergic reaction from the vaccine.

Talk to your doctor or your school nurse

Ask questions.

All online sources are not verified — anything can be posted and presented as factual.

Get information from credible, scientifically valid sources.

Where To Get Vaccinated

Easily locate children's providers and pharmacy locations to make obtaining vaccines simple for your family.


Hear from our local healthcare professionals as they address your vaccine-realted questions and concerns.

Which Vaccines are Most Important?
Daniel Brennan, M.D.
Pediatrics, Sansum Clinic

The Safety of Vaccines and Link to Autism
Panel Discussion

Mission of Strive for 95
Dr. Steven Barkley, M.D.
Chief Pediatric Medical Officer, Cottage Health

New Parent Vaccine Fears
Daniel Brennan, M.D.
Pediatrics, Sansum Clinic


Children Dancing

What is Your School Vaccination Rate? is a helpful website where you can search for your school's vaccination rate by school name or location.

Vaccine Safety

The CDC vaccine safety website provides a wealth of knowledge to answer vaccine questions and concerns.

Vaccine Schedules

The CDC offers vaccine schedule recommendations for all ages.

Senate Bill 277 Effective Date

Read the letter from California Department of Public Health detailing the effective date for SB 277

Help Spread the Word!

This is a grassroots effort and we need your support! Sign up to receive promotional materials to educate family and friends about the benefits of a well-vaccinated community. Sign Up Today!

Download the informational fact sheet to share. English Version | Spanish Version


Children Singing

We’re all in this together. As a grassroots initiative, we welcome ideas and support from our community. We'd love to hear from you!

Sansum Clinic

Jill Fonte
Director of Marketing
Sansum Clinic

Santa Barbara County Education Office

David Lawrence
Communications Director
S.B. County Education Office

Santa Barbara Public Health Department

Susan Klein-Rothschild
Deputy Director,
Community Health
S.B. County Public Health Department

Cottage Health

Bob Behbehanian
Director of Marketing
Cottage Health